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- Message from the Principal
- Mission & Learning at Joey's
- St Joseph's Feast Day & Harmony Day
- Student Awards
- Farewell Mrs Lewthwaite
- Sports News
- News from the Enviro Team
- 2025 NSW Premier's Reading Challenge
- Health & Wellbeing
- Canteen News
- St Joseph's OOSH & Vacation Care
- School Fees
- How to Purchase your child's School Uniform
- Learn more about COMPASS- School Communication Platform APP
- Travelling to School by Bus
- Supporting Diverse Learning
- Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
- Catholic School Parents - Resources
- Child Safety Handbook
- Billboard
Dear Parents, families and caregivers,
Today we celebrated our first Whole School Assembly, where I spoke to the students about Friendship. I talked about the importance of having friends, and how it doesn’t matter if we have one or two friends, or a lot of friends, as long as we are kind to our friends and they are kind to us. I also talked about how friendships can change over time, and friends can sometimes move away from us and make different friends, explaining how this is OK and normal. I talked to the students about how our best friend is ourself, and how important it is to connect with ourselves, with our friends and with God, always remembering how lucky we are, and being thankful for all the good things we have in our lives.
Parents, there are always friendship conflicts and always will be. Learning how to manage conflict is a part of learning about how to interact appropriately in society. Our children need to learn resilient strategies to deal with conflict when it arises, as it will inevitably arise at some point in their lives. I ask you to please continue this conversation with your children, to help get them ready for challenges and create resilient and confident individuals.
Around the Grounds
Term 1 has definitely kicked off in a rush, with several sporting events having already concluded, such as our Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival, Sports Winter Trials and Zone Swimming. On our Liturgical calendar, we have celebrated grade masses, and a wonderful Opening School Mass.
All of our students, especially our new Kinders, have settled into the routine of school very quickly. I love seeing happy and eager faces walking into school each morning, and exhausted yet happy students heading home in the afternoon.
I will regularly wander in and out of learning spaces and just watch a lesson. Here I am seeing engaging lessons and engaged students every day. Our fantastic teaching and support staff are doing a great job ensuring our children are learning across all aspects of the curriculum, within a safe, supportive and inclusive environment. Here at St Joseph’s, student spirituality, social & emotional wellbeing and academic success are always the focus. We certainly have our ‘A Team’ on the field in 2025!
Excellent instruction, every day for every child is the expectation.
A Strong Parent-School Partnership
All staff at St Joseph’s continue to ensure a strong parent–school partnership is at the forefront of what we do. Most families will have been contacted by the class teacher in order to introduce themselves and talk to parents about how their children have settled into the year. Please know that parent-teacher contact is always welcome. This can occur through staff email, Compass Connect, phone calls and face-to-face meetings. Formally, we will be holding Parent-Teacher Conversations on the evening of Wednesday the 26th March. More information regarding this has been posted on Compass.
We look forward working with you throughout the year in the continued growth and progression of your children’s whole education.
Reminder to parents and families
A reminder to all parents and families, that with winter sports starting up soon, in the event that your child suffers a concussion outside of school hours, can you please advise the school of your child’s head injury. Sometimes children who have had a head injury find it hard to concentrate in school and may have a return or worsening of symptoms such as headache or nausea. They may experience fatigue and become tired much quicker. This will allow us to support and monitor your child appropriately.
As always, I thank you for your support in regards to your child’s ongoing learning.
Guy Campbell
Driving Excellence in the Macleay
In this weekens Gospel, Luke reports Jesus urging us to look inside ourselves and to not judge others. It contains some beautiful phrases and concepts. A tree will be known by its fruit – a good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce sound fruit. And words are spoken from what is in the heart. We draw good or bad from what is stored in our hearts, and our words flow from this. John Michael Talbot puts this beautifully: “If our heart is cleansed, we will speak beautiful words and we will bear good fruit”. John Michael goes on to say “we cleanse our hearts through repentance”.
If our hearts are pure, clean, our Lord will be present when we open our lips to speak. Often, the kindest, most compassionate and understanding people, have emerged from experiences of significant challenges. It’s true for the tree and the fruit as well - we know that vegetation grows back healthier after a fire..
(Reflection in part by Leonie Duck)
Lord, help me to keep my heart clean
Sourced from:
Mrs Erin McGovern, Assistant Principal - Mission
Mrs Claire Thurlow, Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
Today we held our first Assembly for the year, and introduced our new Student Awards. It was great to see all the smiling faces as students were recognised for such a terrific start to the year and settling into learning and school routines.
It has continued to be a wonderful and busy start back into 2025 with many different learning experiences happening for our children across all grades K-6.
This term we have History excursions to Timbertown, Bus Safety Visits, walking excursions to local places in our community, Stage 1 students are off to the Glasshouse in Port Macquarie to view a production, plus many sporting activities and representative opportunities to just name a few. We also had students in Year 6 attend a visit to St Paul’s College to experience a ‘day in the life’ of high school and some Stage 3 students also attended the 60th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides, hosted by Dhina Durriti Aboriginal Corporation.
Help your child to have a positive start to the year
by building the habit of consistent routines that
support good attendance
It has been great to see students getting back into the swing of school routines, and we encourage families to support their child with transitioning back into the school year by setting up good routines at home, including earlier bedtimes. See these tips on how to build good habits.
Building the habit of good attendance is crucial for a positive and successful school year. Here are some tips to help your child develop this habit:
- Establish a Routine. Set a consistent daily routine for your child, including wake-up times, breakfast, and a specific time to leave for school. Having a predictable schedule helps your child understand the importance of punctuality.
- Create a Positive Morning Environment. Make mornings enjoyable by creating a positive atmosphere at home. Encourage open communication and express your enthusiasm for the day ahead.
- Establish Clear Expectations. Clearly communicate your expectations regarding attendance and emphasise the importance of being present at school every day unless there's a valid reason for absence.
Help your child establish a positive and consistent attendance habit, setting the foundation for a successful school year.
If your child is struggling in any way, please reach out to the classroom teacher or school office for support, as we have many great resources and strategies to share with families or particular students struggling with morning drop off or separation anxiety.
Watch this clip by Michael Hawker for strategies to help an anxious child return to school.
Due to the increasing complexity of trying to navigate the online world, and with our students' safety and wellbeing at the forefront of our minds, we have secured a visit and Parent Talk from Australia’s leading Cyber experts, YSafe. On Monday 17th March, St Joseph’s is hosting a Cyber Safety Parent Session in person with David Smith from YSafe.
See the attached flyer for all the details and register your attendance for this fantastic opportunity.
Each year the eSafety Commissioner promotes ‘Safer Internet Day’, celebrated in February, and is geared at sharing awareness for being safe online. As a school community we have been promoting the importance of safe and respectable use of technology and online presence. This year the Diocese of Lismore has also put out a Digital Technology Student User Agreement (DTSUA). Please complete this jotform if you haven’t already. It is a great way to open up a conversation with your child about respectful and safe online behavior. Regular communication with your child and monitoring internet use is another way to support safe online practices and support them to talk with you if something concerns them. The eSafety Commissioner website has many great resources to support your family. Resources for families.
Wednesday the 14th February marks Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten period, a significant time in our Church’s Liturgical Calendar. On Wednesday we will observe this special day as a school at Mass, and students will have their foreheads marked with ashes as part of our Catholic tradition. Preceeding Ash Wednesday, is Shrove Tuesday and what is also known as Pancake Tuesday. Traditionally, Catholics would use up ingredients like butter, sugar and eggs that would normally be abstained from during the penitential season of Lent by making pancakes/pikelets. On Tuesday our School Canteen is helping us celebrate this tradition by selling pancakes during the first lunch break, $2 for 2 pancakes with butter.
The wellbeing of our students and their families is paramount here at St Joseph’s and we are lucky to have some extra support built into our school community through a Program Worker from Family Connect in Schools. If you have any concerns about or need assistance/support with being linked into specialist services such as, external providers for Healthcare, Housing, Domestic Violence, Centrelink, Disability/NDIS, counselling services, culturally appropriate supports etc, please contact the front office. More information is attached.

Last Thursday Grade 3 and 4 had some local Aboriginal Elders visit as a part of history and our local community. Our students learned about Dunghutti country and what it means to our elders Aunty Eileen, Aunty Lily-Anne, Uncle Buck and Uncle Cyril. They shared stories of growing up in the Macleay and how it has changed since their childhood.
We heard about how they could get across the river by swimming halfway (then walking the rest), to how they moved away but found their way home again as well as their big families.
We had LOTS of questions for our wonderful guests but sadly ran out of time. Hopefully we will see them again soon.


LENT 2025
Term 1 - Weeks 1 - 4
Awards will be presented on
Friday, 28th February at 1.05pm
Parents/Carers Welcome
I CARE for self, others and my enviornment |
I GROW through positive actions witnessed within our school community |
I LEARN by demonstrating prositive learning behaviours |
TRUTH & HONOUR AWARD I am resilient, responsible and accept challenges |
KHonour |
Isla Henderson | Brady Barton | Zali Durda | Austin Barnett |
KTruth |
Imke Yssel | Alice Duff | Ivy Moore | Henon Soju |
1Honour |
Memphis Smith | Edie Battle | Emilia Ford | Everly Bruce |
1Spirit |
Ruby-Rose Barrow | Reef Lainey | Leo Johnston | Lola Smith |
1Truth |
Mieke Schutte | Jimmie Nolan | Alexander Watson | Zane McMurray |
2Honour |
Oaklyn Lyttle | Hamish Unterrheiner | Poppie Rose | Nickolah Dallas-Morgan |
2Truth |
Toby Jackson | Alexi Lipscombe | Mackenzie Fraser | Lachlan Mann |
3Honour |
Taylah Morris | Colby Duff | Archie Wade | Blake Micallef |
3Truth |
Alexa Smith | Iylo Kirk | Cruz Greenslade | Ivy Fraser |
4Honour |
Isla McIver | Oliver Strachan | Tony Jerin | Tate Tuck |
4Truth |
Frankie Thurlow | Carter Wade | Peyton McConnell | Eden Passmore |
5Truth | Harper Kennedy | Abella Raffaele | Scout Moorehead | Sophia Downing |
6Honour |
Amber Simpson | Charlotte Mainey | Zane Jordan | Georgina Collins |
6Truth |
Vincent Thurlow | Mason Gagnuss-Vale | Charlette Matta | Nevaeh Lewthwaite |

After 17 incredible years of service at St Joey’s Out of School Hours Care Service, Linda Lewthwaite is retiring. Linda was the inaugural coordinator of this highly regarded education and care service, and retires as the longest serving OOSH Coordinator in the Diocese of Lismore.
Linda began her service at St Joseph’s Primary School first as a volunteer in 1993, including assisting with sacramental programs. Linda then began working as a teacher’s aide in 1997, and then completed her qualifications as a primary school
teacher. Then in 2008, the Principal Tonia Tamblyn appointed Linda to open and develop an excellent out of school hours service for families in the Macleay Valley. Under her leadership, Linda developed the service to be one of the largest OOSH services on the mid north coast, with a capacity for 59 students on any given day.
The high quality and diversity of programs and activities has seen the service go from strength to strength, with the service receiving consistently high commendations when audited by The Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
On behalf of all the students and staff at St Joseph’s School, we would like to thank Mrs L for everything she has done and contributed to our school community You were a kind and caring teacher, who always tried to make things fun. We will miss you very much but we wish you all the very best on your retirement!
With Mr Owens
It has been a fast start to the year with sport!
Last week saw some of our Stage 3 students attend Zone Winter Sport Trials in netball, soccer and rugby league at Port Macquarie.
Congratulations to the following students who were successful in making the Zone teams:
As part of their homework some Stage 2 classes prepared a talk and a poster to encourage their classmates to participate in School Clean Up Day.
Here are some of the great posters that were created.


We have recently updated our account details for our 10c Return and Earn Recycling
Families are asked to conveniently take their 10c drink containers straight to the High Speed Depot Drop Off at 47 South Street, South Kempsey whenever it suits you.
The School Office has small cards with our NEW Crunch Account details on it to keep in your car (or use this bar code).
All proceeds are used to assist with our St Joseph’s veggie garden and related learning activities.
Collection bags are still available in the Canteen Foyer. Children who recycle by visiting the High Speed Drop Off will still receive a prize from the Enviro Prize Box (see Mrs Hagger in the Canteen). Just be sure to bring in your docket to Mrs Tarrant.
old phones, batteries, used stamps, prescription glasses, toothpaste tubes/brushes and plastic writing implements.
Please feel free to drop these into the bins located in the canteen foyer.
If you have other items that you think the school may be able to use for art/craft etc please contact us.
Spending time in nature in nature is not only beneficial for us as parents but it is especially beneficial for children. Here's how nature positively impacts kids mental, emotional and social health:
Mental Health
- Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Nature has a calming effect on children, helping them manage stress and emotions more effectively.
- Improved Mood: Time outdoors increases happiness and reduces symptoms of depression.
- Focus and Attention: Especially for children with ADHD, nature can significantly improve attention spans and reduce hyperactivity.
Emotional Well-Being
- Building Resilience: Facing small challenges in nature, such as climbing a tree or crossing a stream, helps children develop confidence and problem-solving skills.
- Increased Empathy: Interacting with animals, plants, and ecosystems fosters a sense of care and compassion for living things.
- Sense of Freedom: Nature provides a space for kids to feel independent and self-reliant.
- Improved Social Skills: Playing in nature with other kids and adults encourages cooperation, communication, and conflict resolution.
- Stronger Family Connection: Outdoor family time together having new experiences create shared memories and deepens family connections.
By helping our kids to connect with the natural world, we can help our children grow into healthier, happier, and more well-rounded individuals.
Your Challenge This Week: Get your kids to spend 20 minutes a day outside and this coming weekend set aside time to have a new experience in the great outdoors with your kids by taking them to a park, forest, or beach. A happy and self-regulated child awaits as well as a more closely connected family!
(Damian Geleyns, Wellness Kids Summit)
The Healthy Lunch Box website is your one-stop shop for recipe inspiration and information to help you add more fruit, veg and wholegrains into your child's diet to improve their health.
Lots of quick and easy recipes and snack ideas.
Informative blogs about healthy eating.
Healthy swaps.
Interactive lunch box builder that helps parents and kids plan and pack a healthy lunch box with foods they like.
Sultana & Coconut Bliss Balls
Click here for an easy and delicious lunchbox snack idea!
- All Frozen Treats are now $1.50 each (except for Quelch Sticks which are 50c).
Please ensure your child brings $1.50 to school if they wish to purchase a frozen treat over the counter.
Families, should your child happen to forget their lunch, our Canteen can provide them a sandwich, piece of fruit and a drink. Unfortunately, no hot food can be made. Thank you.
This special lunch bag will be an option for any offsite events that are held locally (no hot lunches will be delivered offsite).
The Offsite Lunch Bag consists of chicken & salad wrap or sandwich, bottle of water, muesli bar, pkt plain chips and a piece of seasonal fruit for $15. Select "Offsite Bagged Lunch" from the Compass Canteen Menus.
Should you have any queries please contact our Canteen ladies, Mrs Hagger & Mrs Crowe.
St Joseph's OOSH & Vacation Care
We have two dedicated classrooms on the St Joseph's Catholic Primary School campus in Kemp Street, West Kempsey. The classrooms are filled with resources and games to suit children from Kinder to Year 6.
Students from all schools in the Macleay Valley and surrounds are welcome at Joey's OOSHC.
Joey's OOSHC has a proud history of providing high quality out of school hours care for than ten years. Joey's dedicated and experienced staff plan and manage programs that offer both fun and educational opportunities.
To find out more and to explore the enrolment process visit our website at
The schedule of Tuition Fees for 2025 have been uploaded to our website.
The School Services Levy and Term Tuition Fees will be billed during February, allowing families to view the full-year fees on their statements. These statements will be forwarded via Compass.
The Diocese Fees team have written to all families asking them to nominate a payment frequency from the following options:
Families who have not nominated a frequency will default to quarterly payments. Payment for events and excursions will continue to be managed through Compass.Available payment methods are Bpay, Compass Pay, Centrepay Deduction or cash/EFTPOS at the school office. Your Bpay details appears on your monthly statement emailed at the start of each new month.
We recognise the financial pressures that families may face and strive to offer
flexible payment options to accommodate different circumstances. For more
information and to contact our Diocesan Fees Team, please visit the Diocese of
Lismore Catholic Schools website.
Learn more about COMPASS- School Communication Platform APP
To learn more about the COMPASS Platform please click here
About the Compass Platform
The Compass platform is a web-based system that is accessible on any modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome & Safari) or by using the Compass School Manager iOS or Android App.
Parents have the ability to;
- Receive notifications about school events, news and information
- Enter an explanation for absences
- Communicate with your child’s teachers,
- Update your family contact details (mobile phone & email)
- View your child’s timetable and the school calendar
- Download and view your child’s academic reports
- Book parent-teacher conferences (parent/teacher interviews)
- Pay and provide digital consent for events (No more permission slips)
- Order lunches from the Canteen
- Pay school fees
Effective immediately, all students can only be dropped off at their registered school in the morning, we can no longer drop off in town for sports carnivals etc.
All buses are required to complete their school runs as per contracts.
- All students catching the bus in 2025 will need a school travel pass.
- Under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS), eligible students can apply for free or subsided travel between home and school.
- For more information about the School Student Transport Scheme and how to apply for a school travel pass, visit https://apps.transport.nsw. from a desktop computer.
Students who need a School Bus Pass for 2025 can apply here. A new application will need to be submitted if they are applying for the first time, or if they are requesting additional travel entitlement because of a new shared parental arrangement (e.g. joint custody).
If a student’s distance eligibility has changed based on their grade (i.e. grade two to grade three), the system will automatically update their entitlement if they meet the new criteria. If they do not meet the new eligibility criteria, we will send them an expiry notification via email.
Students living in rural and regional (R&R) areas should receive their travel pass at the start of the new school year from their nominated transport operator. It may be given to the student as they board the bus for the first time in 2024 or be sent directly to them at home.
Please find below a download to the
"Supporting Diverse Learning in Catholic Schools" resource.
Catholic School Parents - Resources
Catholic School Parents Australia has developed free resources to strengthen the home-school partnership! The new video workshops help guide primary and secondary parents, principals, and school staff to take a holistic approach to their children’s well-being and educational
The resources also include guides for local facilitators to run through the video workshops in collaborative sessions with principals, staff and families. Insights from experts like Andrew Fuller, John Hattie and Donna Cross inform the workshop’s research-backed strategies.
The resources can be found on the Gearing Up for Parent Engagement website.
We are the proud hosts of the Adelaide Swift Art Awards. For further information click here.
Youth Award (Ages 9 – 13)
$250 – Best in Category - Maritime Museum & Visitor Information Centre.
$100 – Highly Commended – Eric & Michelle Mitchell.
$50 Commended – Happy Smiles Dental South West Rocks.
Youth Award (Ages 14 – 18)
$250 – Best in Category – Coastline Bank, South West Rocks.$100 – Highly Commended – Coastal View Blinds & Shutters.$50 Commended - Coastal View Blinds & Shutters.People’s Choice Award - $300
South West Rocks Estuary Charters People’s Choice Award.Key Dates
- Register by Tuesday 1st April 2025 at
- Friday 11th April is the deadline to enter artwork details onto the website. You will receive an email with a link.
- Deliver Artwork between 10am & 4pm on Sunday 13th April to ‘The Gallery Shed’ next door to the Community Art Gallery on the corner of Gregory and Livingstone Streets.
- Awards Ceremony, Saturday 19th April. It will start at 4pm in the School of Arts Hall on Gregory Street next to the Gallery. Drinks and nibbles will be available in the Gallery Garden after the Ceremony. Finish 6pm.
- End date of the exhibition is Sunday 4th May 2025.
- Pick up of artwork Sunday 4th May from 3pm to 6pm.

North Coast Health Connect is a free (bulk billing) new service providing health support and advice from registered nurses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including public holidays. If you are a resident or visitor to the North Coast, you can speak or live chat with a nurse. The nurse will ask some questions to understand what’s troubling you and then provide advice on what your next step should be.
This may include self-care advice to help you to manage your health (or that of a loved one) from home, or the nurse may recommend a GP appointment or a consultation with a pharmacist. The nurses are able to book an appointment for you directly with a local general practice or pharmacy or if appropriate, can transfer you to a 24/7 GP telehealth service. If the nurse believes you need to attend an emergency department or see a different health service, they will let you know.
Visit for more info and save as a contact for when you need it (1)
This incredible service will help families access ‘on the day’ healthcare which is bulkbilled and is a vital and important service in this area.
Currently we have 220 GP appointments each week, supported by 23 GP clinics, across the entire North Coast region to access.
Visit for more info and save as a contact for when you need it by visiting or by scanning the QR code below.