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- Message from the Principal
- Mission & Learning at Joey's
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- News from the Enviro Team
- Canteen News
- Health & Wellbeing
- 2025 NSW Premier's Reading Challenge
- St Joseph's OOSH & Vacation Care
- School Fees
- Learn more about COMPASS- School Communication Platform APP
- How to Purchase your child's School Uniform
- Travelling to School by Bus
- Catholic School Parents - Resources
- Supporting Diverse Learning
- Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
- Child Safety Handbook
- Billboard
What a Week!
Well, the last fortnight has certainly kept us on out toes. I would like to thank all parents and families for your patience while the School remained closed due to TC Alfred. While the closure was longer than I had originally anticipated, we are grateful that all school facilities remained dry and flood free, and all our families and staff were on the most part safe and unaffected.
With so much happening in the world, both near and far, I often look at our students and wonder how much of it they see, hear and absorb. I hope very little.
To me, it is obvious that the world needs a lot of positive meaning right now. It needs belonging, purpose, inspired storytelling, and something greater to believe in. There are many things we are told to believe in and focus on at the moment, we see and hear them everywhere, however, rarely are we told the importance of faith, hope and love. Faith in God, hope for an eternal future, and real love. Love for God, our family and most importantly love of ourselves. Without faith there is no hope, and without hope, there can’t be the expectation and desire for authentic love. Bishop Greg says, our children need to see God in us. For this to be the case, there must be God in us. Don’t be ashamed or shy to admit to yourself that God is on this journey with you. While we live in a time when a secular community is dominant, it is very important that we see through this easy, yet selfish option and; create a sense of belonging to our family, friends and community; have purposeful and positive long-term goals; and live in a world where God is present. I am sure you agree that right now, the world needs God.
As we have moved into Lent, let’s remember that God showed us what God looks like in the form of Jesus Christ, who was born, lived and died for us.
School Drop-off Pick-up Zone Reminder
A reminder to all parents, caregivers and families regarding the School drop-off and pick-up zone, and the proper use of the designated zones.
Cars parked in the designated Drop-off Pick-up ZONE on Kemp St outside the School Hall, should not be left unattended in this zone during both the AM and PM drop-off or pick-up.
The Law states that within this No Parking Zone between 8:00-9:30am and 2:30-4:00pm (pictured), you have 2 minutes to drop-off or pick-up passengers, and you must stay within 3 metres of your vehicle.
Failure to observe these rules can get you a $196 fine and 2 demerit points. This is monitored by the NSW Police.
In order to minimise congestion and for legal and safety reasons we ask that parents do not wait for children at this location, it is for quick and safe drop-off and pick-up only. Parents and family members wishing to wait for their children are asked to park in a designated parking spot and walk to the School Gate. Alternatively, quick afternoon pick-up between 3:10-3:20pm can occur from the Council Oval, parking along Sea St. However again, this is for immediate pick-up only.
If all parents and family members could please follow this NSW roads regulation, it will make drop-off and pick-up a more efficient, safe and happier place.
As always, I thank you for your support in regards to your child’s ongoing learning and growth.
Guy Campbell
Driving Excellence in the Macleay
This weekend in Luke’s Gospel we hear and read about Jesus’
Transfiguration. In the verses prior to this scripture, Jesus is preparing his disciples for the coming journey to Jerusalem and the events that would lead him to Calvary. And so, following these disclosures, Jesus takes Peter, James and John away. Up a mountain, to be alone in prayer.
In that prayerful moment between Jesus and his Father, he is transfigured. The disciples briefly see Jesus as the Son of God and are embraced in that experience of relationship, love and peace. They see a vision of Jesus with Moses and Elijah and hear God’s voice confirming for them that Jesus is the chosen one, his Son, the new covenant. Peter wants to camp and stay in this space and place of revelation, but Jesus returns down the mountain because he knows that the journey is not finished, and he still has his Father’s work to complete.
The Transfiguration illustrates for us two essential elements of discipleship. The need to have time away in prayer, reflection, stillness and quiet. And the need to return to the world in which we live and work.
“We often wish the rest of the world would just go away, but the truth is, we can’t love God and ignore the world around us. We can’t love God unless we love our neighbour; and so, like the disciples we must follow Christ down the mountain again and become involved in human suffering and confront it with compassion.” (Fr. Jim Reilly)
And for Vincentians, this is where the Transfiguration experience continues. It is when you gather prayerfully together as members and reflect not only on the scriptures but on the work, you do in God’s name. It is in the daily contact with the people you assist, especially those who are marginalised and in need. Being open to see the face of Christ revealed in the person you are visiting and being the face of God for them. Reflection by Greg Ryan
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Sourced from;
At St Josephs we have many great opportunities for students to be involved in Extracurricular groups of their interest. Our Enviro Team raises our collective knowledge about better ways to recycle, reuse and give back to our planet. Our Mini Vinnies Team shares the message of St Vincent de Paul to help those in need and sees students engage in ‘faith in action’ activities such as fundraising and raising awareness for the plight of those less fortunate. Our Student Representative Council (SRC) are voted in by their peers, and are the leaders and voice for their respective year groups.
As well as having the option to join in with these extra curricular groups, students can also engage in different lunchtime activities throughout the week.
On Monday’s our School Counsellor Ruth Nolan runs Drumming for Stage 2 Students and Thursday for Stage 3 students. Gardening and Enviro Club with Mrs Tarrant runs Wednesdays and Thursdays, and Mrs Abigall, our Student Wellbeing Officer, runs a ‘Colour Me Happy’ Club on Monday’s at Lunch 2.
This week, Kindergarten and Year 1 students embarked on an exciting adventure to Port Macquarie to experience a live theatre production of The Very Hungry Caterpillar at the Glasshouse.
From the moment the Show began, the students were captivated by the vibrant puppets, stunning costumes, and animated actors. The performance beautifully blended storytelling with a visual feast, as the characters from The Very Hungry Caterpillar and other classic children's tales took centre stage.
The production was a fantastic way to introduce young learners to the magic of live performances, while also reinforcing key themes of growth, change, and imagination.
We are so proud of our Kindergarten and Year 1 students for their wonderful behaviour and enthusiasm during the trip. It was an unforgettable experience for everyone involved, and we look forward to future opportunities for our students to explore the world of theatre!

As we enter the season of Lent, we are invited to reflect, repent, and grow closer to God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This period of spiritual renewal encourages us to deepen our faith and make sacrifices that draw us closer to others in need.
In support of this, we also take part in Project Compassion, a charitable initiative that encourages us to contribute to those who are less fortunate. Through our donations, we can help improve the lives of people in communities around the world, embodying the spirit of compassion and solidarity that Lent calls us to.
This year’s theme is Unite Against Poverty this Lent, and students from the Mini Vinnies Team will be helping to raise funds with an Easter Egg Guessing Competition. $1 a guess, with all proceeds going to Project Compassion to help communities in need.
Shrove Tuesday
On Tuesday 4th March St Joseph's held Pancake Day, prior to the commencement of Lent. As a school, we raised $148.00 towards Project Compassion.
A special thank you to the canteen and staff who prepared and cooked all those delicious pancakes!

LENT 2025
Each year, our Diocese provides an extension opportunity for students in Years 5 and 6 to participate in English and Mathematics programs led by expert teachers within the Diocese.
For Term 1, this opportunity is available to Year 6 students. This year, we are pleased to announce that four students have been selected for both English and Mathematics. Our successful participants are:
- English: Claire Meehan, Mila Tolman
- Mathematics: Jack Brett, Buddy Moorehead
These students have begun their online weekly extension sessions, collaborating with other high-potential learners across the Diocese of Lismore.
NAPLAN is an important part of our school’s overall learning assessment program, but it's just one piece of the puzzle. The tests assess the literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning in class, so the best preparation comes from everyday classroom activities.
To help students become familiar with the online test format and tools, our school has provided various opportunities to practice. These activities are designed to ease any nerves and to ensure that all students are comfortable with the testing process.
To ensure your child is well-prepared, we recommend they get a good night’s sleep before the test and enjoy a healthy breakfast on test days. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.
Next week, we celebrate two important occasions that bring our school community closer together. First, we honour the Feast of St. Joseph, the Patron Saint of Workers, Fathers, and Families. His unwavering faith, humility, and dedication remind us of the power of service and love for others.
We also come together to celebrate Harmony Day, a day to reflect on the importance of inclusivity, respect, and cultural diversity. It’s a time to embrace the rich variety of backgrounds that make our school community so special.
As we celebrate these two meaningful occasions, let us be inspired by St. Joseph’s example of selflessness and commitment to family, and by the spirit of unity and respect that Harmony Day encourages. To make these important celebrations extra special, our wonderful Canteen put on some special treats to help us celebrate. Thank you Mrs Hagger.
Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian families. Now more than ever, parents are looking for guidance in managing screen time and navigating the world of games and social media.
We are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging education session with ySafe, Australia’s leading provider of online safety education. This session will be packed with practical, strategy-rich content that covers the most important points all families need to know about online safety. It will include key information about social media and gaming, screen time recommendations, and step-by-step instructions on how to set up a cyber safe home for children of all ages.
If you’ve ever struggled to get your children off their games and into bed, worried about the content of the games they play, or felt concerned that your child was spending too much time in the digital world, this workshop is for you!
Monday 17th March - Cyber Safety Parent Session with David Smith from YSafe.
See the attached flyer for all the details and register your attendance for this fantastic opportunity.


This week, Year 4 had the exciting opportunity to host Jess and Chase, the program facilitators from Kempsey Shire, who introduced them to the Macleay Eco Explorers Enviro Stories Program. During their visit, the children engaged in thoughtful discussions about the environment, climate change, and the importance of managing and protecting the biodiversity and natural resources of the Macleay Valley Region.
In class, our students will transform into Macleay Eco Explorers as they delve into local environmental issues. Through their research, they will gain valuable insights that will culminate in the creation of a storybook aimed at educating others about the magnificent Macleay Valley.
We are thrilled to be part of this meaningful project and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to have our work published and presented at the upcoming book launch. Stay tuned for more updates on our journey as Eco Explorers!
Bookings for Semester One Parent Teaching Learning Conversations are now open on Compass.
There are two dates to choose from. You only need to book ONE (1) time slot for your child.
Wednesday, 26th March, 2025 - 3.30pm - 6.30pm
Wednesday, 2nd April, 2025 - 3.30pm - 5.00pm
Please note that Year 5, Mrs Judy Brady's class will only have the one option of :
Wednesday, 26th March, 2025 - 1.50pm - 6.30pm
These are 10 minute pre-booked meetings, booked through the Compass App. Please refer to the attached instructions on how to book your interview.
We encourage all families to book a time to meet with your child’s teacher, as it is a great opportunity to discuss all matters concerning your child’s schooling.
We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s learning.
The wellbeing of our students and their families is paramount here at St Joseph’s and we are lucky to have some extra support built into our school community through a Program Worker from Family Connect in Schools.
If you have any concerns about or need assistance/support with being linked into specialist services such as, external providers for healthcare, housing, domestic violence, Centrelink, disability/NDIS, counselling services, culturally appropriate supports etc, please contact the front office. More information is attached.
With Mr Owens
Please note that the Diocesan Winter Trials (Soccer and Rugby League) to be held in Grafton have been rescheduled to Thursday 27th March.
Earth Hour has become so much more than just turning off the lights, but that classic switch-off moment is still super important! On Saturday, March 22, 2025, millions of people around the world will turn off their lights at 8:30 PM local time to show their love for the environment.
This year, we're also excited to celebrate Earth Hour Schools Day on Friday, March 21. Schools are encouraged to get involved, learn about the environment, and have some fun while supporting our planet.
Let’s join together as a school community to participate in these awesome events, spread the word about taking care of our Earth, and inspire each other to make a difference! Keep an eye out for more details on how we’ll be celebrating Earth Hour!
We have recently updated our account details for our 10c Return and Earn Recycling
Families are asked to conveniently take their 10c drink containers straight to the High Speed Depot Drop Off at 47 South Street, South Kempsey whenever it suits you.
The School Office has small cards with our NEW Crunch Account details on it to keep in your car (or use this bar code).
All proceeds are used to assist with our St Joseph’s veggie garden and related learning activities.
Collection bags are still available in the Canteen Foyer. Children who recycle by visiting the High Speed Drop Off will still receive a prize from the Enviro Prize Box (see Mrs Hagger in the Canteen). Just be sure to bring in your docket to Mrs Tarrant.
old phones, batteries, used stamps, prescription glasses, toothpaste tubes/brushes and plastic writing implements.
Please feel free to drop these into the bins located in the canteen foyer.
If you have other items that you think the school may be able to use for art/craft etc please contact us.
- All Frozen Treats are now $1.50 each (except for Quelch Sticks which are 50c).
Please ensure your child brings $1.50 to school if they wish to purchase a frozen treat over the counter.
$5.00 a set
Families, should your child happen to forget their lunch, our Canteen can provide them a sandwich, piece of fruit and a drink. Unfortunately, no hot food can be made. Thank you.
This special lunch bag will be an option for any offsite events that are held locally (no hot lunches will be delivered offsite).
The Offsite Lunch Bag consists of chicken & salad wrap or sandwich, bottle of water, muesli bar, pkt plain chips and a piece of seasonal fruit for $15. Select "Offsite Bagged Lunch" from the Compass Canteen Menus.
Should you have any queries please contact our Canteen ladies, Mrs Hagger & Mrs Crowe.
Simple Things You Can Do Today to Optimize Your Mental Wellness
- Go for a walk – A 10-15 minute walk outdoors, especially in nature, can boost mood and reduce stress.
- Practice deep breathing – Try inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 7, and exhaling for 8 seconds to calm your nervous system.
- Stretch or move – Gentle stretching or a quick burst of physical activity (like jumping jacks) can release tension and increase energy.
- Journal – Spend 5 minutes journaling your thoughts or listing three things you're grateful for.
- Call a friend or family member – Reach out to someone who lifts you up.
- Give yourself a break – Allow yourself permission to step away from stressors and take a short mental reset.
- Focus on what you can control – Let go of things outside your influence and channel energy into productive tasks.
- Reframe negative thoughts – Challenge negative self-talk by considering alternative, more positive perspectives.
(Damian Geleyns, Wellness Kids Summit)
The Healthy Lunch Box website is your one-stop shop for recipe inspiration and information to help you add more fruit, veg and wholegrains into your child's diet to improve their health.
Lots of quick and easy recipes and snack ideas.
Informative blogs about healthy eating.
Healthy swaps.
Interactive lunch box builder that helps parents and kids plan and pack a healthy lunch box with foods they like.
No Bake Weetbix Slice
St Joseph's OOSH & Vacation Care
We have two dedicated classrooms on the St Joseph's Catholic Primary School campus in Kemp Street, West Kempsey. The classrooms are filled with resources and games to suit children from Kinder to Year 6.
Students from all schools in the Macleay Valley and surrounds are welcome at Joey's OOSHC.
Joey's OOSHC has a proud history of providing high quality out of school hours care for than ten years. Joey's dedicated and experienced staff plan and manage programs that offer both fun and educational opportunities.
To find out more and to explore the enrolment process visit our website at
The schedule of Tuition Fees for 2025 have been uploaded to our website.
The School Services Levy and Term Tuition Fees were billed during February, allowing families to view the full-year fees on their statements. These statements were forwarded via Compass.
The Diocese Fees team have written to all families asking them to nominate a payment frequency from the following options:
Families who have not nominated a frequency will default to quarterly payments. Payment for events and excursions will continue to be managed through Compass.Available payment methods are Bpay, Compass Pay, Centrepay Deduction or cash/EFTPOS at the school office. Your Bpay details appears on your monthly statement emailed at the start of each new month.
We recognise the financial pressures that families may face and strive to offer
flexible payment options to accommodate different circumstances. For more
information and to contact our Diocesan Fees Team, please visit the Diocese of
Lismore Catholic Schools website.
Learn more about COMPASS- School Communication Platform APP
To learn more about the COMPASS Platform please click here
About the Compass Platform
The Compass platform is a web-based system that is accessible on any modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome & Safari) or by using the Compass School Manager iOS or Android App.
Parents have the ability to;
- Receive notifications about school events, news and information
- Enter an explanation for absences
- Communicate with your child’s teachers,
- Update your family contact details (mobile phone & email)
- View your child’s timetable and the school calendar
- Download and view your child’s academic reports
- Book parent-teacher conferences (parent/teacher interviews)
- Pay and provide digital consent for events (No more permission slips)
- Order lunches from the Canteen
- Pay school fees
Effective immediately, all students can only be dropped off at their registered school in the morning, we can no longer drop off in town for sports carnivals etc.
All buses are required to complete their school runs as per contracts.
- All students catching the bus in 2025 will need a school travel pass.
- Under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS), eligible students can apply for free or subsided travel between home and school.
- For more information about the School Student Transport Scheme and how to apply for a school travel pass, visit https://apps.transport.nsw. from a desktop computer.
Students who need a School Bus Pass for 2025 can apply here. A new application will need to be submitted if they are applying for the first time, or if they are requesting additional travel entitlement because of a new shared parental arrangement (e.g. joint custody).
If a student’s distance eligibility has changed based on their grade (i.e. grade two to grade three), the system will automatically update their entitlement if they meet the new criteria. If they do not meet the new eligibility criteria, we will send them an expiry notification via email.
Students living in rural and regional (R&R) areas should receive their travel pass at the start of the new school year from their nominated transport operator. It may be given to the student as they board the bus for the first time in 2024 or be sent directly to them at home.
Important Note:-
Students who require a School Opal card or travel pass but have not yet applied need to apply or update their details as soon as possible.
Students living in rural and regional areas will receive their travel pass from their nominated transport operator. It may be issued via their school or be sent directly to them at home.
Catholic School Parents - Resources
Catholic School Parents Australia has developed free resources to strengthen the home-school partnership! The new video workshops help guide primary and secondary parents, principals, and school staff to take a holistic approach to their children’s well-being and educational
The resources also include guides for local facilitators to run through the video workshops in collaborative sessions with principals, staff and families. Insights from experts like Andrew Fuller, John Hattie and Donna Cross inform the workshop’s research-backed strategies.
The resources can be found on the Gearing Up for Parent Engagement website.
Please find below a download to the
"Supporting Diverse Learning in Catholic Schools" resource.
We are the proud hosts of the Adelaide Swift Art Awards. For further information click here.
Youth Award (Ages 9 – 13)
$250 – Best in Category - Maritime Museum & Visitor Information Centre.
$100 – Highly Commended – Eric & Michelle Mitchell.
$50 Commended – Happy Smiles Dental South West Rocks.
Youth Award (Ages 14 – 18)
$250 – Best in Category – Coastline Bank, South West Rocks.$100 – Highly Commended – Coastal View Blinds & Shutters.$50 Commended - Coastal View Blinds & Shutters.People’s Choice Award - $300
South West Rocks Estuary Charters People’s Choice Award.Key Dates
- Register by Tuesday 1st April 2025 at
- Friday 11th April is the deadline to enter artwork details onto the website. You will receive an email with a link.
- Deliver Artwork between 10am & 4pm on Sunday 13th April to ‘The Gallery Shed’ next door to the Community Art Gallery on the corner of Gregory and Livingstone Streets.
- Awards Ceremony, Saturday 19th April. It will start at 4pm in the School of Arts Hall on Gregory Street next to the Gallery. Drinks and nibbles will be available in the Gallery Garden after the Ceremony. Finish 6pm.
- End date of the exhibition is Sunday 4th May 2025.
- Pick up of artwork Sunday 4th May from 3pm to 6pm.

North Coast Health Connect is a free (bulk billing) new service providing health support and advice from registered nurses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including public holidays. If you are a resident or visitor to the North Coast, you can speak or live chat with a nurse. The nurse will ask some questions to understand what’s troubling you and then provide advice on what your next step should be.
This may include self-care advice to help you to manage your health (or that of a loved one) from home, or the nurse may recommend a GP appointment or a consultation with a pharmacist. The nurses are able to book an appointment for you directly with a local general practice or pharmacy or if appropriate, can transfer you to a 24/7 GP telehealth service. If the nurse believes you need to attend an emergency department or see a different health service, they will let you know.
Visit for more info and save as a contact for when you need it (1)
This incredible service will help families access ‘on the day’ healthcare which is bulkbilled and is a vital and important service in this area.
Currently we have 220 GP appointments each week, supported by 23 GP clinics, across the entire North Coast region to access.
Visit for more info and save as a contact for when you need it by visiting or by scanning the QR code below.