St Joseph’s staff are an outstanding team of dedicated, professional teachers and support staff, whose focus is not simply to ensure that students learn, but to ensure they love learning, and that this occurs in an engaging, supportive and inclusive environment.

St Joseph’s knows that all students are capable of achieving their own personal best, given the time and resources. Each child is unique and learns in a variety of ways and at different rates. Our commitment is to respecting and honouring our diverse learners as a fundamental principle of learning and teaching. 

Children who need extension or intervention in a particular learning area are identified by our professional staff, who collaborate within a Professional Learning Team, to discuss the strategies and resources required to ensure learning growth occurs. Students with significant additional needs are supported through the implementation of their Personalised Plan (PP), in consultation with parents and other professionals.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures are implemented across the Key Learning Content Areas, as outlined in the K–6 Curriculum through the NSW syllabus. Therefore, ensuring that all staff and students are educated about Australia’s earliest cultures and peoples.

St Joseph’s promotes and celebrates culturally significant events across its School Community, such as;

  • The celebration of NAIDOC Week, highlighting critical aspects of our local Aboriginal community
  • Harmony Day, celebrating our multicultural community
  • The prominent displaying of several local Aboriginal artworks

Our Aboriginal Education Workers, assists children in learning more about their history and culture as well as supporting parents and the wider community in Aboriginal Education.