Pastoral Care/Student Wellbeing


At St Joseph’s, we commit to providing safe and supportive environments which nurture the wellbeing of all students and staff in our community. We have developed a strong pastoral care program and the staff of St Joseph’s are committed to providing support and personal care to all of our students.

Class Teachers and School Leaders monitor the personal development of students and provide active support. Classroom teachers are responsible for the general care of the students in their class and provide an initial point of contact for any concerns. Students participate in Christian Meditation and engage in programs to support the developmental skills of resilience and healthy relationships.

The school provides support to students through our Wellbeing Team. Wellbeing Team can be provided to students through staff or family referral, and are accessible to all students in our school community on a confidential basis. External referrals can also be provided through the school, and through our Family Connect Service.

Our Wellbeing Team

Assistant Principal - Mission

Mrs Erin McGovern

School Counsellor

Mrs Ruth Nolan

Student Wellbeing Officer

Mrs Jasmine Abigall


  • Seasons for Growth
  • Storm birds
  • Positive Behaviour Support

Kids Helpline

Click the image below to visit the Kids Helpline Website.


Family Connect Service

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Positive Behaviour Support


Our learning community celebrates and nurtures positive behaviour choices. Students and staff have clear expectations regarding appropriate behaviour, and students are explicitly taught appropriate behaviours to engage in the life at school. We celebrate and recognise students who make positive choices in the classroom, playground and sporting fields through awards at Assembly.

We are blessed to  have a Positive Behaviour Support Teacher and Student Wellbeing Officer who provide support and guidance to students. Individualised and small group support is provided to ensure students have the tools they need to participate positively in all communities.

We aim to do this by:

  • Building positive relationships in a climate of mutual respect founded on our School Mission and Vission. Teachers acknowledge that they lead by example and that all members of our school community are appreciated and valued.
  • Respecting and valuing all members of our school community in maintaining and developing positive relationships in our school.
  • Implementing the School’s Behaviour and Discipline Policy to build a safe environment for all.

Student Representative


The aim of the Student Representative Council (SRC) is to promote the School's Mission & Vision. It provides an advocate for student voice, enabling students to appropriately raise issues concerning them. The SRC also provides a forum for the wider school community to consult a representative body of students.

Activities that the SRC are engaged in include:

  • Providing student feedback to the Principal;
  • Co-ordinating the gathering and presentation of student opinion and ideas on key decisions within the school community;
  • Creating a means of communication between students and staff;
  • Providing a forum for student debate and voice;
  • Providing student leadership within the school’s fundraising programs and appeals such as; St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal and Caritas.

Other Service Learning and Fundraising activities supported in our school community include:

  • Fundraising for local, national and international charities and Not-for-Profit Organisations;
  • Visits to local nursing homes.

Student Services

Other student groups within our school include:


The St Vincent de Paul Society is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society. At St Joseph’s we encourage students to work as charitable members of our school and wider community to offer people in need “a hand up”. We do this by raising awareness of social justice issues and fundraising through events such as the Vinnies Winter Appeal and the collection of Christmas Hampers.

Enviro Team

St Joseph’s has an Enviro team comprised of self nominated children from Year 1-6. The children meet with the Enviro Team teachers each week to examine current practices within the school and to develop opportunities for educating the school community about environmental issues. The children present regularly at our School Assembly and provide important information regarding environmental sustainability via the School Newsletter.

Recycling Collection Point

At St Joseph’s we are always looking for ways to teach our students sustainable practices. Many of our recycling efforts go to assist those in need in our community and abroad.

Student Leadership & Service Learning 

St Joseph’s Primary School is a Christian community, committed to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through word and example. We encourage all of our students to involve themselves in leadership opportunities and social justice initiatives and groups. We encourage and support authentic opportunities for ‘student voice’.

We have 4 School Captains who represent the school and are members of the Year 6 cohort.