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St Joseph's Primary - then and now

Our Mission

At St Joseph’s, our Mission is to nurture and educate all students, in partnership with their families, in order for them to achieve their full potential; spiritually; academically; socially and emotionally; while empowering them to become resilient lifelong learners within a Catholic Christ-centred learning community.

Our Vision

St Joseph’s is a welcoming and caring Christ-centred Catholic learning community, where all members are supported, inspired and motivated to love learning and be lifelong learners in an engaging, supportive, inclusive and collaborative professional learning environment

Our Values

As staff of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we will focus on the dignity of the whole person, modelling Gospel values and being the face of Christ to all we encounter. We will challenge all members of our school community to continually strive for personal excellence, while leading by example, professionally and confidently. We will strive to improve our teaching practice by engaging in professional learning, and we will use data to inform instruction and facilitate positive growth.

Our Goals

At St Joseph's we will monitor the ongoing learning growth of our students through the collaborative measurement and analysis of whole school data, enabling us to reflect and respond appropriately to individual needs.

Mission- Why do we exist?

We exist …

Vision- What must we become to accomplish
our Mission?

We must become …

Values- How must we behave to achieve our Vision?

To achieve this we will …

  • To nurture all students.
  • Welcoming and caring.
  • Focus on the dignity of the whole person.
  • To educate all students into becoming lifelong learners.
  • A Catholic learning community, which loves learning, in an engaging and collaborative professional learning environment.
  • Engage in Professional Learning in order to improve our teaching practice, while using data to inform instruction.
  • So that students can achieve their full potential (spiritually, academically, socially & emotionally).
  • Supporting, inspiring and motivating.
  • Challenge all members of the school community to continually strive for personal excellence, while leading by example professionally and confidently.
  • To be a Catholic Christ-centred learning community.
  • A Christ-centred, supportive and inclusive community.
  • Model Gospel vales and be the face of Christ to all those we encounter.

The K-12 Vision for the Macleay Valley Catholic School

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St Joseph’s Primary and St Paul’s College have a strong commitment to providing our students with a K-12 experience of Catholic Education in the Macleay Valley.
We work in partnership with our Parish to ensure that opportunities for all learners and their families are fostered and supported through our mission as disciples of Jesus Christ.

St Joseph’s and St Paul’s College do this by:

  • Celebrating Catholic Schools Week each year;
  • Retreat Days;
  • Year 6 into 7 Transition Days;
  • Combined Staff Masses;
  • Executive Team Meetings;
  • Regular school visits by our Parish Priest;
  • Weekly class attendance at Parish Mass.