Family-School Partnership

St Joseph’s Primary School is committed to building a strong Family-School Partnership. We aim to provide authentic opportunities for engagement in the life of the school. We encourage this through the work of the Family School Partnership Framework endorsed by the Lismore Catholic Schools Office and through the work of all members of our school community.

We encourage participation and engagement at whatever level is appropriate for each individual person and family.

Family Volunteers

We appreciate the contributions of all parents and family members who help and support us in providing a safe and enjoyable learning environment for our children. If you are able to share your own talents, interests and time with the school, please contact the School Office on 02 65625501.

You can be involved our school by volunteering some time to help prepare lunches and serve in our canteen.

All volunteers will need to supply a current Working With Children Check to the school prior to any volunteer work.

Outside of School Hours Care OSHC

The St Joseph’s Outside of School Hours Care service operates 50 weeks a year. It offers many programs, including after school, vacation care and pupil free days.

All services offered operate from the OSHC facility at the front of our school. Children from Kindergarten to Year 6 are accepted into all programs that are offered. We also accept students from the wider community into our vacation care programs.