


Wearing the correct school uniform and hat is a compulsory school rule and a uniform infringement note is to be sent home to parents by the class teacher if wearing incorrect uniform and/or no hat. Teachers are expected to be checking uniform at the beginning of each day, phoning or emailing home to the family when students are continuously not in correct uniform, and who do not have a signed note from home explaining when the issue will be resolved.

The school hat is a compulsory uniform item for all students. Students must be wearing a hat during passive and active outdoor activity. Our Sun Smart Policy states that students not wearing a hat must play in designated shade areas.

Children are able to wear the standard school sunglasses whilst in the playground and playing sport to protect their eyes.


Username: joeyskempsey

Password: uniform12

All uniform items must be approved uniform items purchased online through the approved uniform shop, Team Spirit.


Common Accessories 

  • Two small silver or gold studs and/or sleepers are permitted in each ear (only).
  • No bangles, bands or bracelets. (Medical alert bracelets are the exception to this)
  • One plain metal chain necklace with or without small cross only. (Medical alert necklaces are the exception to this)
  • Watches are permitted to be worn.
  • Make-up of any description is not permitted for any student.
  • Nail polish must be clear.
  • Certain items may be worn in respect to religious and cultural aspects. The Principal will approve these items.


Hair accessories should be a plain design, small in size and in black, blue or white. Hairstyle is a matter that invites good taste and judgement as to appropriateness. The school has particular expectations in regards to hairstyles, which are to be adhered to, and parents are asked to ensure that their child’s hairstyle conforms to the following;

  • Hair should be neatly groomed and maintained at all times;
  • Extremes in hairstyles are unacceptable
  • Dramatic layered effect of levels are not permitted
  • Hair should not be overly styled by the use of hair products
  • Hair is not to be tinted or coloured in any colour. Natural hair colour only.
  • Long hair must be kept neat and off the face. Long strands such as ‘rat’s tails’ are unacceptable as are dreadlocks, spikes, mowhawks, mullets and shaved patterning.

The Principal has the final say as to the appropriateness of a hairstyle.