Student Spirituality

Religious Education


Catholic Identity and Mission

Religious Education is central to the practice of our faith and our Catholic identity. Therefore we value opportunities to gather as a Parish school community.

At St Joseph’s we do this by:

  • Teaching Religious Education daily.
  • Regularly attending Mass as a whole school.
  • Participating in Class Masses.
  • Supporting the mission of Jesus Christ through word and action.
  • Celebrating Feast Days and Special Masses.
  • Christian Meditation and Prayer.

Prayer and Christian Meditation

At St Joseph’s our students participate in daily prayer and Christian Meditation. Prayer is a part of the ritual and tradition of our Catholic faith and our school. When we pray, we take time for ourselves and for God. We can give thanks for all the good things in our lives and ask our Lord for guidance and support.

Christian Meditation aims to teach children to find God in stillness, silence and simplicity. Or as the Old Testament says: Be still and know that I am God.

Learn more about Christian Meditation here

Sacramental Program

At St Joseph’s we consider it a privilege to share with you in your child’s faith journey. This includes the various stages of initiation into the full life of the Church.

Children receive detailed instruction and preparation for each of the Sacraments.

Our presentation of the Sacraments takes place throughout the following years:

  • Confirmation- Year 3 will receive this Sacrament
  • Holy Communion- Year 4 will receive this Sacrament
  • Penance- Year 4 students will receive this Sacrament.

A pack is sent home which contains worksheets for the children, and information for the parents/carers.  This will occur for each Sacrament which is facilitiated by the Parish and supported by the School.  Both the Parish and the School work together to support the children on their faith journey.

Information regarding the Sacraments is published via the Parish Bulletin and School Newsletter.